firefighter using FlexMove LEO
firefighter using FlexMove LEO

Low-latency, High-speed Managed Services for COTM and COTP

As part of Intelsat’s FlexMove portfolio of services, and through our partnership with Eutelsat OneWeb, Intelsat offers FlexMove LEO for critical applications requiring the high- speed and low-latency connectivity of a low-Earth orbit network.

The Best of Both Worlds in One Place

With a FlexMove LEO managed service for Comms-on-the-Move (COTM) and Comms-on-the-Pause (COTP), emergency responders, government and law-enforcement agencies, and non-governmental organizations gain the added benefit of low-Earth orbit business-grade connectivity ensuring reliable, real-time communications whenever and wherever needed.

ambulance receiving low-Earth orbit satellite connectivity

Discover the Potential of FlexMove LEO

Bandwidth Throughput Measurement airblue

Up to 100 Mbps download and 20 Mbps upload

Finger Button Easy airblue

~70 milliseconds for faster response times of applications

Talent Network Multitask airblue

Business Centered
Designed for business and missions on the move

Consulting Customer Service airblue

Intelsat managed LEO service with 24×7/365 personal support

Globe World Earth airblue

Sustainable LEO
Fewer LEO satellites that deorbit without leaving behind space debris

Land Mobility Use Cases

workers in front of earth mover
FlexMove for Mining
train driving in remote area
FlexMove for Rail
ambulance driving on road
FlexMove for First Responders and Humanitarian Aid
flexmove for media hero mobile 1
FlexMove For Remote Broadcast
soldiers on a hill at night
FlexMove for Global Government & NGOs
semi-truck pulling flatbed with load
FlexMove for Trucking, Good and Materials Transport
workers in front of oil pump
FlexMove for Oil & Gas

Not Sure Where to Start?

Tell us more about your connectivity needs and our experts will find a solution that serves your organization.

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