wind turbines on a hill
wind turbines on a hill
PRODUCT FlexEnterprise IoT

Supercharge Your IoT Solutions

Industrial IoT has moved beyond supporting a trickle of data from a few remote sensors. Now expectations include supporting real-time, always-on connectivity for both monitoring and control.

Using FlexEnterprise for IoT backhaul to complement cellular and terrestrial connectivity can extend the reach and effectiveness of your IoT deployments and drive better results for you and your customers.

Global Always-on Connectivity for Real-time Industrial IoT

With an end-to-end satellite backhaul solution ready to plug into your existing network, FlexEnterprise IoT opens new use cases for your organization. By extending IoT connectivity globally – regardless of local cellular and fiber availability – you’ll incorporate devices and infrastructure from every enterprise location to drive forward your organization’s digital initiatives.

From low-data-rate SCADA to richer IP-based connectivity incorporating video and high-throughput data streams, FlexEnterprise IoT helps you address requirements for every site, device, and sensor.

Industrial Satellite Backhaul for IoT

Not Sure Where to Start?

Tell us more about your connectivity needs and our experts will find a solution that serves your organization.

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