Surveillance data center
Surveillance data center

C5ISR Solutions for Global Communications and Satellite Operations

Successful multi-domain operations require advanced C5ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) solutions to quickly collect, transmit, and utilize ISR data. The ability to access real-time ISR data and make rapid decisions ensures an effective response to emerging threats and dynamic operational environments.

Intelsat’s high-throughput satellite communications, coupled with industry-leading security for data in motion and at rest, empower governments and NGOs to receive actionable intelligence faster, ensuring mission success in even the most challenging conditions.

ISR Precision from Space

Read our white paper for more information on how satellites are feeding algorithms to accelerate decisions

Solutions for UAV and Manned ISR Operations

Intelsat offers advanced C5ISR solutions for both UAV and manned ISR operations, providing seamless support for high data rate communications and command and control links. Our solutions enable real-time data transmission and secure ISR satellite communications across all domains.

  • Comms-on-the-move (COTM) integration for land, sea, air, and manpack operations
  • Comprehensive en-route communications for command leadership with robust satellite connectivity
  • High-definition, full-motion video support for real-time intelligence gathering and decision-making
C5ISR drone

Global Operations Support

Our global satellite network supports multi-domain operations with unique wide-band channelization, enabling simultaneous mission support and secure, high-speed data transmission.

  • High data rates via sub-1 meter antennas, ideal for ISR satellite communications
  • Capabilities for littoral operations, extending over 300 nautical miles out to sea
  • Solutions for homeland security, emergency response, disaster recovery, and emerging applications such as agriculture and pipeline surveys
C5ISR command center

Your Mission. Starts Here.

Tell us more about your SATCOM needs and our government experts will work with you to find the right solution.

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