LEO earth coverage
LEO coverage earth
Product LEO Satellite Services

Low-latency, Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) Ku-band Satellite Services

For US government agencies needing low-latency, high throughput prioritizable bandwidth for critical communications and internet access on-the-move or on-the-pause (COTM/COTP) in on and off-grid locations, Intelsat’s LEO Satellite Services for US Government delivers prioritized data at up to 250Mb per second (downlink) for voice, video, and data– all on a secured network at a reasonable fixed cost. Multi-orbit LEO/GEO solutions are also available for mission-critical networks.

Get uninterrupted, secure, and fast communication and data services, regardless of location for soldier welfare applications like video, and strategic planning, multi-domain operations, and AI-driven C5ISR applications.

soldier using LEO satellite phone

Your Mission. Starts Here.

Tell us more about your SATCOM needs and our government experts will work with you to find the right solution.

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