Security in Space
With every passing day, the types and sources of cyber threats against satellite communications networks appear to increase. Protecting customer data against threats from state-sponsored groups, “hacktivists” and other nefarious players has always been a major priority for both Intelsat and Intelsat General.
We recently posted an Intelsat white paper to the Intelsat General website titled, “Security in Space: Intelsat Information Assurance,” which maps out our strategy for providing the highest level of Information Assurance by building our infrastructure, networks and third party infrastructures against the most stringent DoDI 8500.2 MAC Level I controls.
Overall, the Intelsat Information Security framework addresses continuously evolving threats and risks using a lifecycle approach that consists of steps that all of our customers should consider and implement:
- Set security goals
- Identify assets, applications, networks and services
- Assess risks (consequences, vulnerabilities and threats)
- Prioritize
- Implement protective programs
- Measure effectiveness
One of the most significant takeaways from the white paper is that Intelsat and Intelsat General’s service infrastructure is designed for reliability. Our fleets are resilient, which in many cases makes satellite capacity available to restore services quickly in the event of a major outage on a customer’s primary satellites. In addition, Intelsat operates fully redundant operations centers in Washington, DC, and Long Beach, CA, with a redundant and tertiary global architecture.
With the cyber threat landscape evolving at a rapid pace, our customers need the assurance that they are using the right industry partner who has developed the most stringent levels of security and resiliency.
Both Intelsat and Intelsat General have developed the most sophisticated security framework to help meet these goals as outlined in our information assurance white paper.
Download the full white paper.