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Restoring Connectivity and Improving Lives Among Widespread Unrest

Learn about Intelsat’s Innovation Up Close in Burkina Faso


Team member speaks to persevering through ongoing mortar attacks to reach rural communities.


Despite the danger, the team delivered and the local community celebrated.

children using mobile internet in West Africa

Telecommunications infrastructure is fragile. As much as owners and operators attempt to harden and protect their networks, it’s an unfortunate reality that cell towers, cables, and ground equipment are highly vulnerable to natural or manmade calamities.

Such was the case in the Western African country of Burkina Faso. Significant government investment in fiber networks had successfully established broadband connectivity across much of the country. However, widespread unrest and resulting damage to the telecommunications infrastructure was impacting the efficacy of the network, hampering the ability for people to communicate, transact, and conduct business. In some cases, entire towns in rural areas were completely disconnected. Repairing and restoring connectivity proved incredibly challenging.

The country needed a more stable alternative to fiber. The answer was satellite broadband, and they turned to Intelsat for help.

In coordination with local security, the Intelsat team, working with local, in-country partners designed a robust satellite network solution to ensure continuous coverage. The team was able to reach even some of the most remote and dangerous sites and began establishing satellite-powered connectivity in a matter of weeks. As installations ensue, Intelsat continues to work in close partnership with the customer, even training team members to manage the satellite network.

By leveraging expertise, accessing the right inventory, and removing equipment cost constraints, Intelsat has established itself as a value-added, full-service partner to the customer. In delivering more than just capacity and offering a scalable solution that meets the unique connectivity challenges in the country, Intelsat is restoring connectivity and, at the same time, improving people’s lives.

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